Candidates who are seeking permanent makeup and who may be contraindicated (meaning those that I cannot treat) are:
- Those under 18 years of age
- Those prone to keloids or post-inflammatory hypopigmentation.
- People with diabetes
- Pregnant women
- People with glaucoma and people who are taking blood thinning medicines (e.g., aspirin).
- People with skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and undiagnosed rashes or blisters on the Site that is to be treated.
- People with allergies to makeup or colors
- Those with easily triggered pos-tinflammatory hyperpigmentation are not good candidates
- Those with transmittable blood conditions like HIV or Hepatitis
- Active skin cancer in the area to be tattooed
- Currently on Accutane or other strong retinoids (must wait until 6 months after treatment ends)
- You’ve recently had Botox or Disport treatment (must wait 2 months)
- Have healing disorders, on blood thinners, uncontrolled high blood pressure or had mitral valve Disorder.
- Those on any skin medication such as ro-accutaine, steroids which thin and oversensitive the skin
- After chemical peels (must wait two weeks)